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Digital Transformation Expertise
Digitalization requires a different way of looking at tasks and work. A digitalization expert in Malaysia, familiar with manufacturing processes will be able to utilize tools and techniques to digitalize a process flow. This is called digital transformation.
And such a Malaysian digitalization expert, with an insight into Malaysia work place behaviors and culture, will be an asset to speed up your industry 4.0 move.
Digitalization Expert
Kognifi’s principal consultant, Logga, has subject matter expertise in digital transformation. He has led and managed several projects that enabled digital transformation in the work place. This video gives an idea of one such project. The details can be found at Logga’s blog post on digitalization.
The video above shows the approach using the Ishikawa Diagram . This is a summarised perspective, meant as an executive summary. There are more tools and skills required and used behind the scenes to get to this stage.
Digital Transformation of Teams
To do a digital transformation exercise , Kognifi will get the teams involved in a work flow to be gathered together. This cross functional team, who are closely involved in impacting the result of the process or work flow, will need to understand each other’s contributions and impact to the process.
Of course there is a residual fear of redundancy resulting from the removal of certain steps and methods from the work process. And this is where the digitalization expertise comes in, on the human factors for digitalization success.
Exploring Digitalization for Teams
With deep industry knowledge of the various organizational structures, work silos, power distances, cultures and costs involved, Logga can guide the upskilling of impacted personnel. New skills required to carry out the work post digitalization, and more focus on other work areas to improve productivity are amongst some of the upskilling tasks in the digital transformation process.
The digitalization process will usually involve the senior leadership to determine the steps and costs required to implement the move along the path of industry 4.0 and the digital economy .
And to do this determination, HR and the related unit and corporate leaders need to sit down for a chat with the digitalization expert. This obligation free discussion, will give an idea to HR and the leaders on what KPI and metrics can be improved with digitalization in their business units. And how their units can be more resilient and productive. And how their team can be rapidly skilled to adapt to the digitalized processes and work flows.
Digitization – Initial Ideation
Kognifi is especially focused in the project management, sales and marketing digitalization. The scope of skills upgrading and productivity improvement is immense for a company. Especially so in sales and marketing with the use of Artificial Intelligence and O2O strategies.
Feel free to call or contact us to meetup and get an idea on the digitalization impact to your work units.
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HRDF Claimable Training 2024 – Request For Information (RFI)
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- Training for Account Managers - 30th April 2024
- Tailored Sales Training for Specific Industries - 8th April 2024
- Personal Development and Sales Success - 3rd April 2024