O2O Strategies for Online to Offline Traffic
Online to Offline O2O strategies, O2O leads generation gets leads from an online search, to an offline brick and mortar shop. This O2O marketing strategy, drives traffic into a retail outlet. Can be location based or intent based search for a product or service.
The search query is answered by search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Their artificial intelligence (AI) search engine is designed and tweaked daily , to deliver the most relevant result to the searcher’s intent or use case.
O2O Marketing Strategies Google with Local SEO Example
A good example of O2O is for a restaurant. A person searches for good nasi lemak nearby, usually on Google search or Google maps. A search engine optimized (SEO) O2O website for nasi lemak near that searcher, will then rank on the search engine results pages (SERPs).
How O2O for Local Business is Done
A well optimized website for conversions and leads generation should rank on the first page of the SERPs, fully relevant and answering all potential questions of the searcher. This kind of optimization is ongoing, and is called conversion rate optimization (CRO).
Kognifi is a digital marketing agency that provides SEO Services and CRO Services for local businesses in Malaysia. We understand local search intent and how to translate user intent to match the search engine’s AI. This helps local businesses rank in the SERPs and get O2O leads continuously.
O2O Leads Generation Analytics Data
Below is a case study by charts, for a shop in KL. Kognifi made the local SEO website for the shop in end 2017. No paid advertising was done. Traffic and conversions starting in early in 2018. And conversions slowed down by end 2018. Client then requested for CRO which we did between April 2019 to June 2019.
Search was the Best Performing Online Sales Channel
The chart below shows the conversion data by online sales channels. It shows that Search engines were the best sales performers, contributing 70% of the O2O sales. Social was only contributing 20% of O2O sales.
CRO improves Conversions and Leads
The chart below shows a spike in conversions in April 2019. And the conversions sustained even after the CRO activity was stopped in June 2019.
As the website is fully under the control of the business, we could do many things to improve the conversions. If the website was a free social media page or blog website, then we would be limited on the CRO actions that we could do. And this very much had to do with the quality of data we obtained from the analytics.
SEO and CRO impact on Audience Behavior
With basic SEO in place, the site audience visits were consistent per chart 3 below, with seasonality factored in. New users were constantly acquired and visited the site. However conversion rates were very low.
The data in the earlier Chart 2 shows high abandonment rates in the early part of the year. Users visited the site, SEO worked. Users did not convert significantly, because no CRO was in place.
When CRO was implemented in April, conversions increased, and new leads were acquired by this same O2O sales channel. Its just like training a sales person by assessing where their weaknesses are and fixing it with training and new skills.
Search as a Powerful Sales Channel for Local Businesses in this Digital Economy
As you can see, the data shows huge opportunity for O2O leads generation for local businesses. They just need to get on the Digital Economy by doing the following:
- Work with a Digital Agency with Experts who have proven marketing experience, skills and expertise in SEO and CRO.
- Get the optimized website done and structured for O2O purposes.
- Have a workflow setup to manage the leads that come in. Can be as simple as a pen and paper, or better still, a CRM system in place for long term value and retention of customers.
Do get in touch with us for a discussion on how we can work with you to grow your business further.