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Kognifi creates digital sales funnels by SEO Services or SEO Consulting. We use search engine optimization (SEO) and search advertising (Google Ads) to get qualified leads. This is prospecting method is the cost effective and highly measurable for returns on investment (ROI) or ad spend (ROAS).
A smart prospecting system will get you leads relevant to your products and services. Then, based on how differentiated your business is, you can sell to these leads. Today, a modern prospecting system is fully digitalised and integrated. Letting you focus on meeting the prospects refined requirements on request.
Kognifi has digitalization expertise to get these done. And we have the following trainings to upskill your marketing teams for digital marketing and SEO:
- Digital Marketing Training Course for Malaysia
- Search Engine Marketing SEO Training Course for Malaysia
The prospecting system has evolved over the past few years. But it is still based on hunting and farming principles of sales and marketing as follows:
- Porters 4 Forces
- 4Ps Marketing Mix
- Share of Wallet
Digitalisation of Prospecting
This involves smart strategy goal setting and optimised digital tools and systems. This digital transformation brings you and your team into the industry revolution 4.0 through digitalized marketing systems and digital upskilling of the teams.
To get qualified leads, you will need some aspects of the following items in place:
The right strategy in place, gets you in front of the right prospects. This means your time is spent optimised to serve and manage a qualified, interested and willing buyer.
If you get anything else, then your products, services, strategy and target audience needs to be refined and further optimised.
Sales Funnel
The sales funnel will channel you the leads you want. The funnel is designed to acquire leads and customers who are serious and have the intention to buy. An interested lead or customer is not a buyer. The buying intent must be clarified up front. Even better, the why they want to buy needs to be clarified up front, and you get to know this buying motive.
CRM System
The CRM system helps you manage your sales pipelines, quotations, agreements, messaging and followups in simple to to use manner. This will be your go to place to manage your sales and marketing efforts on a daily basis.
Cost of a Good Prospecting System
You want to maximise your opportunities to get prospects willing to pay for your product and services. You can measure this costs through ROI and ROAS calculations. This is the amount you spend in that sales channel, to get sales from that channel.
Targeting by Intent, Interest and Share of Wallet
We need to do a strategy session to determine the right system to formulate for your business. The system will determine what systems, skills and resources will be required to deliver the revenues.
This is specific to products, industry and company capabilities. And will be different for B2B and B2C markets.
Do get in touch with us for a discussion on how we can work with you to grow your business further.
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