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Digital Marketing Strategy and Tactics

The pandemic is greatly impacting everyone around the globe as they are forced to do most things in their home. Despite that, we are blessed to be able to use the technology to get most of our work done and keep things updated all the time through various software online.
This is also the time when you will see the importance usage of digital technologies and how it will help you grow. Therefore, it is essential that you have a grasp of the digital marketing strategy and tactics that could be taken by your company.
Digital Value Proposition

One of the important component in a digital marketing strategy and tactics would be the digital value proposition. Which is the reason why someone should use a digital product or channel. With the HRDF Leadership Webinar Series, people are able to connect and learn new things.
Through this digital value proposition webinar, participants can get an idea on how to create digital value proposition. They will have an idea for some simple yet effective ways in which they could build a digital marketing strategy.
When you want to digitalize a process you need to know what are the values that could be achieved by the company. It is also important to identify your market forces which could be both a threat and beneficial to you in order to place your value proposition.
For example, how Google was previously was used for authoritative document retrieval has now become the top recommendation engine.
Measuring Value
Next, is about how do you want to measure the digital value proposition and how it will save you lots of money and time through the digitalization process and how you improve productivity. One of the three areas is digitization for which it takes an analogue process and convert it to electronic bits such as signing in to punch card.
Next, digitalization which is the integration of various digital processes such as Grab tracing your map location on where you want to go and meanwhile, autonomous would be self deciding, when you do this, it is done just like driverless vehicles.
Why is it important
Because you will be able to increase the user experience and word of mouth for the consumers which in return will give you a chance to grow you business well through the valuability of your market force.
Q&A (Digital Value Proposition)
How to adapt with the changes of conventional ways of marketing and latest digital marketing approach?
When you want to do digital transformation, you need to know how to leverage the information that is coming in from the artificial intelligence (AI) , they would be able to market accurately for their product and services.
For example, when someone is looking for a shirt, how will you market to that product based on the preferences, previous search references then you should be able to formulate a very effective digital marketing strategy. Basically, a good digital marketer will know how to use context.
How to determine the User Experience?
User experience means satisfaction of your consumer whether they are satisfied of your service or not. One of it is through a survey where you ask them questions about how they feel about something.
In some cases, if you are able to leverage the use of AI is to determine the facial expression of someone whether they are happy, sad frustrated and so on then you will be able to tell the level of satisfaction that the consumer have.
Lead Generation and SEO

In this lead generation and SEO webinar, participants learn about lead generation structure through the journey or lead of the consumers that use your products, services or business. It is essentially the consumer’s decision and it goes through a process of awareness, interest, consideration, purchase.
This will be determined through the buying pattern of the consumer through online digital marketing search to purchase.
Lead Generation Tactics
Lead generation tactics is direct and referral. Direct means it comes directly to you either they know your URL or they know your QR Code on you flyer for search engines and what happens behind it.
Search Engine Marketing
This is the most targeted part of lead generation and SEO, as it is AI controlled and it is highly relevant with options. It is important as people use search engine to look for their interest or information.
Moreover, locations are being tracked in order to give an accurate result of choices for the user to pick the best for them.
Therefore, as digital marketer, you have to do content marketing because that content will be served whether it’s a blog post, or video, or image, if you look at the search engine there are countless types of content.
Moreover, content marketing is also important in lead generation because you can do search engine optimization with it and the media belongs to you.
Social Media Marketing
For lead generation, this type of marketing is different from search engine marketing as you would want to gather people with their difference of interest and you want them to resonate your message as the consume your content and they engage in activities such as sharing your contents by making it viral, by giving opinions or comments.
Therefore, the level of engagement in a particular post is important for a signal to the AI to get the right audience coming to your side.

Q&A (Lead Generation and SEO)
What type of software can be used to be able to pull the search activity data?
One of the software that can be used is SEMrush. However some of the software could be expensive, but the thing is what you want is search activity data such as where, when.
The location is very important, because your buyer persona will tell you where. Let’s say you are targeting a market of a certain place, then they will give you very good insights on what is happening in that place.
There are a lot of software that you can use as a guideline for your data, but you can also use Google Analytics as it gives you an excellent insights in terms of user data, what are the keywords used and where they are coming from.
Should we use all the lead generation tactics or be selective? Which one is better, quality or quantity?
When you are doing a branding, quantity would be the better choice because you want to create awareness, and they don’t know who you are, or what you are. Display advertisement can be used on Google where you can program it and it will go across different platforms for branding purposes.
Our Trainer
If you are interested with the training course from us or our digital transformation course, come and join the e-Learning Training Course that we have that will be trained by our experienced consultant and trainer with more than 20 years experience from his previous job.
HRDF Claimable Training Provider
If you are looking for training courses in Malaysia and trained by a good consultant and a HRDF Claimable Training Provider from Malaysia as well, then what are you waiting for? Check out more training courses that we at Kognifi have to offer and most certainly they are all HRDF claimable courses.
Corporate Digital Training Courses
We also have corporate training courses about brand strategy and brand management that you can check out. If you are looking for marketing such as market research and strategy related course then we are here to assist you, fill out the form below or click the button at the bottom of the page.
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